What is a vaccication?
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2021 is defining new words in our vocabulary, and ‘vaccication’ is a word you’ll be hearing more and more. So what the heck does it mean? It’s one of those fun word blends – a clever noun referring to the first trip you take after you’re fully vaccinated and travel opens up.

So, have you started to think about your vaccication?
Where is the first place you’re going to vacation after your Covid-19 vaccination? It’s spring here in Canada, and the vaccination roll out is starting to pick up the pace. With hope on the horizon, now really is the time to start dreaming and planning for that fantastic moment when Canadians can safely travel again.
In fact, hotels, resorts and tour companies worldwide have been putting together vaccication packages for eager travellers ready to get going again.
While we all wait to bid farewell to pandemic restrictions, and say hello to traveling the world again, here are a five things to inspire your wanderlust soul and get ready for your first vaccication.
1. Work on your travel bucket list.
You may have been thinking about all the places you’ll go ‘when covid is over,’ but why not write them down and get organized?
Where is the first place you’ll go?
What are the top destinations you want to see in next few years?
Do you have a big trip in-mind, like a worldwide cruise, trek to Antartica, or African Safari that will need more in-depth planning?
Get these destinations out of your head and start a travel planning journal or vision board. Try a digital tool to organize like Pinterest.
The act of planning and dreaming about your future travel destination is good for mental health too! The excitement and anticipation of the future experience means planning a trip gives you a mood boost.

2. Learn a new language.
Have you been meaning to brush up on your Spanish, learn some more phrases in Japanese, or master the Greek language? Now is the best time to learn a second language, so you’ll be ready to go when it’s time to start ticking off those trips on your bucket list. There are many awesome books for learning a second language, like ‘Spanish For Dummies’ or ‘Complete French with Two Audio CDs: A Teach Yourself Program.’ For those who prefer digital courses online or through an app, there are some great ones like Rosetta Stone or Duolingo.
3. Start a travel fund challenge. Watch it grow!
Challenge yourself to see how much money you can save for your future travel. You may be surprised at just how much even a little bit of cash every week adds up.
Have fun with it! Try skipping that Starbucks latte, and put the $5 you save into a jar. For every time you cut the drive-thru coffee, watch how it impacts the growth of your travel fund!
Or set up an automatic transfer from your chequing account every month that puts away a portion of your income into your travel savings account. The automation makes it so easy to set it and forget it – and be pleasantly surprised when you check your account and see how close it is to cover the cost of your hotel, car rental, plane ticket – or even an entire trip!

4. Practice your photography skills and get ready to take some beautiful shots on your next adventure.
There are so many YouTube videos that you can watch, or virtual courses that you can sign up to learn photography basics and tricks to take better photos. Check out Eventbrite for cool photography talks and classes that may help get you inspired. Even the most amateur iphoneographer will be able to take stellar Instagram-worthy vacation pictures on their next trip!
5. Sign up for virtual travel talks.
The travel supplier community, and your local travel agencies, have been working tirelessly at providing inspiring travel vlogs, virtual travel talks, and meet-ups for pretty much every destination under the sun.
Virtual travel talks are especially interesting because you get to connect directly with the pros who know destinations inside and out.
Whether you love to cruise, crave active adventures, adore all-inclusive beach destinations, live for everything Disney, or want to trek off the beaten path, there are travel talks, virtual tours, vlogs and pretty much something for everyone, everywhere!
You can hear directly from travel guides and suppliers what they have to offer worldwide right now or in specific destinations in the upcoming years.
The most important thing to do is be grateful for being able to make it through the first year of the pandemic! Keep optimism and positivity in our hearts and minds, and one day in the future we’ll all be able to enjoy our first vaccication!